Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk

Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk is a beautiful route that takes you through some of the most picturesque parts of Suffolk. The walk is relatively easy, making it suitable for walkers of all abilities, and it offers breathtaking views of the River Deben, the Suffolk countryside, and the nearby towns and villages. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk, highlighting some of the most scenic spots along the way and providing tips and advice for anyone planning to undertake this delightful hike.

About this walk

  • Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk is a tranquil and picturesque walk in Suffolk suitable for all abilities
  • The walk starts at Ramsholt Church and takes you through the charming village of Ramsholt with traditional thatched cottages and pretty gardens
  • The highlight of the walk is the River Deben, a beautiful and tranquil spot with a variety of wildlife including herons, kingfishers, and otters
  • The walk takes you through fields and meadows where you may spot local wildlife such as deer and rabbits
  • The village of Shottisham is home to the beautiful Shottisham Church, a stunning example of Norman architecture
  • The Suffolk countryside provides stunning scenery with rolling hills, meadows, and fields to appreciate at a leisurely pace
  • Tips and advice include wearing appropriate footwear, bringing plenty of water and snacks, checking the weather forecast, and keeping an eye out for local wildlife

Starting Point: Ramsholt Church

The Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk starts at the beautiful Ramsholt Church, which dates back to the 11th century. The church is situated on the banks of the River Deben, and it offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. From here, the walk takes you through the charming village of Ramsholt, with its traditional thatched cottages and pretty gardens.

As you leave the village, you’ll enter a woodland area, and the path will take you through a series of beautiful fields and meadows. Keep an eye out for the local wildlife, which includes deer, rabbits, and a variety of bird species.

Suffolk beach

The River Deben

The highlight of the Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk is undoubtedly the River Deben. The river is a beautiful and tranquil spot that is home to a wide range of wildlife, including herons, kingfishers, and otters. As you walk along the riverbank, you’ll be treated to stunning views of the water, and you’ll be able to see the boats and yachts sailing past.

The river is also home to a variety of fish species, including salmon, trout, and sea bass. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to spot some of these fish swimming in the water.

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Shottisham Church

As you continue along the Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk, you’ll come across the charming village of Shottisham. The village is home to the beautiful Shottisham Church, which dates back to the 12th century. The church is a stunning example of Norman architecture, with its tall tower and beautiful stained glass windows.

The village itself is also worth exploring, with its pretty thatched cottages and traditional pubs. Stop off for a pint of local ale or a spot of lunch, and soak up the charming atmosphere of this delightful Suffolk village.

The Suffolk Countryside

As you leave Shottisham, the Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk takes you through some of the most beautiful parts of the Suffolk countryside. The rolling hills, meadows, and fields are a sight to behold, and the gentle pace of the walk allows you to fully appreciate the stunning scenery.

The walk is relatively easy, with no steep inclines or challenging terrain to navigate. This makes it an ideal choice for families with young children or for anyone looking for a leisurely stroll in the great outdoors.

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Tips and Advice

If you’re planning to undertake the Ramsholt and Shottisham Circular Walk, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you have an enjoyable and safe experience.

  • Wear appropriate footwear: The walk can be muddy in places, so make sure you wear sturdy walking boots or shoes.
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks: There are no shops or cafes along the route, so make sure you bring enough water and snacks to keep you going.
  • Check the weather forecast: Suffolk can be prone to sudden changes in weather, so make sure you check the forecast before you set out.
  • Keep an eye out for wildlife: Suffolk is home to a wide range of wildlife, so keep your eyes


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